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Things You Should Get To Know About the e-visa to Vietnam

Vietnam e-Visa, or Vietnam Visa Online, is an excellent and mandatory travel authorization for the travelers who are planning to visit Vietnam for business, tourism, or transit since 2017. The Vietnam eVisa is an online application that was launched in 2017. This visa allows a maximum stay of 30 days.

The e-visa to Vietnam online streamlines the application process for various travel objectives, allowing foreign visitors with an official eVisa to arrive in Vietnam faster. Also, the Vietnam visa application requires personal and passport information for travel purposes and is accepted at all international airports. Approved eVisa must be shown at the port of entry.

Getting an e-visa for Vietnam can be a convenient option for travelers. Here are some important things you should know about the e-visa to Vietnam:


Not all nationalities are eligible for an e-visa to Vietnam. Before applying for the visa, you need to ensure that your country is on the list of eligible countries for e-visa issuance.

Purpose of Visit: 

E-visas are typically issued for the tourism purpose, business, or even for the transit purposes. Make sure you select the appropriate category when applying.

Application Process: 

The application process for an e-visa to Vietnam is usually a simple process and you can easily complete it online. You must fill out an application form with your details, travel information, and passport information.


E-visas for Vietnam are usually valid for a single entry and have a validity period ranging from 30 to 90 days, depending on the type of visa issued.

Processing Time: 

The processing time for an e-visa to Vietnam can vary but is typically quick. Usually the time ranges from a few days to a week. Also, it is advisable to apply well in advance of your intended travel dates.


Along with your e-visa approval letter, you have to present the supporting documents upon arrival in Vietnam. You also need to provide the passport showing at least a six month validity. Also you need to show proof of sufficient funds for your stay.

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